This age calculator calculates your age, but for that we will need your exact birthday date. Please enter the month, day and year of your birthday into the form below and let our age calculator tool perform an age calculation for you.
By pressing the calculate age button, this online age calc tool will show your age in years, months, days, hours, minutes and even seconds.
Note that the current time on the server is 09/09/2024 11:21:27.
If you are located outside of EST timezone adjust the time difference.
Worried about your age? Always remember that the life expectancy has grown from 40 to 70 years in the last century! Now that's music to my ears! Of course this doesn't mean that you should not care about your health. Healthy life should be awarded with a nice long life according to us! :)
To learn more about us and how we calculate the time difference between two dates including the time, visit the age calculation subpage of this website.
To find out how can someone born on the exactly same date as you be one year older or if you just wish to know more about age calculations around the world, please visit wikipedia's related article.